Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I didn't post yesterday's post since my camera is out of batteries, so here's my tomorrow idea.

It's that time of year again. (Almost) The stores are stocking the stuff already, you can buy almost anything you need (except the wig you want) and I don't mean Easter. It's Halloween! I've decided this year I will go as Galadriel from LotR. I need lots of white fabric (6.5 yrds maybe), a few yards of white beaded/shiny gold ribbon, a blonde wig, facepaint, and two band-aids. More or less. I think I need lace fabric for the sleeves rather than solid. The band-aids are for pointy ears. Oh, I think I need sculpey and silver paint too. I have them.... to make an Evenstar pendant, FYI. Here's some pictures to help you get the gist.
Evenstar Pendant
Hahaha, epic.
No. No, no, no. This looks more like the White Witch of Oz.
Ahh, better.
Oh, dear. That looks like a lace overdress.
Anyone want to help me do this better than gold pipe-cleaners?
Maybe white, not gold.
Muchos lace? Maybe skip the diamond-y thing. Is this even the same dress?
 Hmm, change of ideas. 
1. Maybe go with a simple white dress, from a thrift store maybe? 
2. Then buy lace fabric and make the whole lacy-flowing sleeves-prettiness overdress. 
3. Then safety-pin it together at the waist and pin the white ribbon on over that. 
4. Should the ribbon hang free going down the skirt, or should I pin it down? Comment please. 
5. Then I can use my heels and gain some height.  
6. The cloak.... hmm. Let's stick with the white fabric. 
7. I think maybe 2 yards long plus the hood? I'm 5'6". 
8. I'm thinking I'll drop the embroidered panel at the top, making up the hood and shoulders unless I can find a 2x3 or so tablecloth thing.
9. I can make an Evenstar pendant relatively easily from clay and paint.
10. I can either drop the diamond neck thing (I think I should if I do an Evenstar pendant.) or I can try to find a big bead or borrow one. I think I'll drop it.
11. Ears. Get two band-aids and fold them over your ears. I can do that.
12. Galadriel has a very fair complexion, so I think I can 'wash' my face with a little bit of white and do regular make-up over that. I could use brown eyeliner, but I think pink will work better. I have pink.
13. I think that's about it. Obviously, this will all need to be machine sewn. I don't have hand-sewing patience. Please tell me if you have any ideas, can help me, can loan me something, or if you are willing to go thrift-store shopping with me, like as soon as I can.
14. Oops. I need a long, almost waist-length blonde wig. I think I can buy one from Walmart. 
Yay! I can do this! Maybe!

The lace dress appears to be from an entirely different scene than the crown and cloak, so maybe I can find a marbled white fabric. If not lace-overgown-idea is still ok.

*New Update*
I was trolling the internet, and I found I good idea for the brooch. Get a big seashell and put silver paper around the edges.

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