Monday, August 22, 2011


I now have my school computer, so- hopefully- I'll post more often.
Just a quick bit, here's what my teachers said about their classes.

Chemistry- "It's going to be glorious. Chemistry is all about linebackers, farts, and burps."

Biology- "Someone needs to say something! Anything! What's your favorite candy? Someone?"

British Literature- "This class is hard. You need to read books. No Markert- Harry Potter does NOT count as British Literature. Yes, the Hobbit is fine."

French- "Hello, I want Techworld. My class can't get online, heeeeelp."

That was about the extent of my day. Haha.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Dreams Not About Flying

So flying was pretty fun. My dad and I held this competition between our two hosts aux aire, Stripes and Nice Sweater. I think stripes was the new guy because he was constantly slightly behind Nice Sweater. ;) Stripes did have a nice smile though....
Last night, when we were at my uncle's house, I had this big long complicated dream. All I remember about it now is that my friend, a runner, had her feet amputated. It was like she had had it done a while ago and I hadn't noticed until she pointed it out. What is a dream like that supposed to mean, eh Professor Trelawney?