Monday, October 8, 2012


OK, guess what?! Battle Magic (Tamora Pierce) has a (semi) set release date!!! It's before graduation, too. So excited. SO SO SOOOO EXCITEDDDD!!!! The cover looks awesomeeeee!

Amazon Battle Magic

Fief Goldenlake Battle Magic Forum

I encourage all of you Tammy fans to get a Goldenlake account. That site.... theeee best. Discussions, news, fanfic, contests... all in one site. (:

Secondly. Jo Rowling's adult book is out. A Casual Vacancy. I don't know what it's about, and it's after midnight, so you can look it up yourselves. I plan to read it. Let me know if you do, and what you think.

Thirdly. Watch Paul. The Simon Pegg and Sigourney Weaver one with the alien. It's funny. I love Sigourney Weaver. And Simon Pegg- just watch all of his movies. (Shawn of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Run Fatboy Run)
