Monday, March 21, 2011


1- Roslin won't die.
2- They will find a planet to live on.
3- Ellen and Tigh will get baxk together.
4- Gaius will be ditched by his fanclub.
5- Galactica will crash-land or otherwise not become a museum.
6- I'm hoping there will be a human/cylon truce, but I have thos fear that the cylon- no! I just thought of something. Galactica is flying to the cylon colony to get Hera. What if the cylons just annihilate the humans there and Roslin and Adama die? I'm actually tearing up now. I bet that's what happens! Please, no!

So- the predictions: (HOLD IT!! THERE'S MAJOR SPOILERS!!!)
1- Roslin died D;
2- They DID find a new planet....called New Earth.
3- Ellen and Tigh DID get back together.
4- Gaius ditched his fanclub, not the other way 'round. He and Caprica Six got together after they found out they hallucinated each other.
5- Sam drove Galactica into the Sun, so yeah, no museum.
6- Yes, Cylon/human truce of a sort, *cough* IfonlyTyroldidn'thavetoscreweverythingupallthetime. *cough* Galactica did fly to the colony, but they didn't get annihilated. Adama didn't die. He's going to build his cabin for Laura. :)

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