I think we all need to believe in a higher being. I don't care if you think it's God, Zeus and Hera, or Buddha, but I think we all need some kind of explanation for what happens in life. Sometimes, it's like karma is just slapping you left and right, and others it's as though you've just had a vial of felix felicis. There must be a motive, right?
It's just been a long day, and I just wonder sometimes. I don't know. Maybe it's all based off how bitchy people feel at a particular time and place, or maybe we're all just pawns in some great chess game. I don't know. I wish I did. I'd love to know why, why, why. But then, I suppose we all do. And I suppose, if we knew the system, we'd hack it and fix it.
Does it sound communist to say that I wish we were all equal? The same stuff, the same access. Everything we fight over is over someone's crap. Land, diamonds, water, nuclear warheads, shit like that. We don't need all this shit. We just need a little house, a garden, some water, and friends. Give me that and I'll show you how to live.
God help us. Bless us, keep us, and help us.