Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I didn't post yesterday's post since my camera is out of batteries, so here's my tomorrow idea.

It's that time of year again. (Almost) The stores are stocking the stuff already, you can buy almost anything you need (except the wig you want) and I don't mean Easter. It's Halloween! I've decided this year I will go as Galadriel from LotR. I need lots of white fabric (6.5 yrds maybe), a few yards of white beaded/shiny gold ribbon, a blonde wig, facepaint, and two band-aids. More or less. I think I need lace fabric for the sleeves rather than solid. The band-aids are for pointy ears. Oh, I think I need sculpey and silver paint too. I have them.... to make an Evenstar pendant, FYI. Here's some pictures to help you get the gist.
Evenstar Pendant
Hahaha, epic.
No. No, no, no. This looks more like the White Witch of Oz.
Ahh, better.
Oh, dear. That looks like a lace overdress.
Anyone want to help me do this better than gold pipe-cleaners?
Maybe white, not gold.
Muchos lace? Maybe skip the diamond-y thing. Is this even the same dress?
 Hmm, change of ideas. 
1. Maybe go with a simple white dress, from a thrift store maybe? 
2. Then buy lace fabric and make the whole lacy-flowing sleeves-prettiness overdress. 
3. Then safety-pin it together at the waist and pin the white ribbon on over that. 
4. Should the ribbon hang free going down the skirt, or should I pin it down? Comment please. 
5. Then I can use my heels and gain some height.  
6. The cloak.... hmm. Let's stick with the white fabric. 
7. I think maybe 2 yards long plus the hood? I'm 5'6". 
8. I'm thinking I'll drop the embroidered panel at the top, making up the hood and shoulders unless I can find a 2x3 or so tablecloth thing.
9. I can make an Evenstar pendant relatively easily from clay and paint.
10. I can either drop the diamond neck thing (I think I should if I do an Evenstar pendant.) or I can try to find a big bead or borrow one. I think I'll drop it.
11. Ears. Get two band-aids and fold them over your ears. I can do that.
12. Galadriel has a very fair complexion, so I think I can 'wash' my face with a little bit of white and do regular make-up over that. I could use brown eyeliner, but I think pink will work better. I have pink.
13. I think that's about it. Obviously, this will all need to be machine sewn. I don't have hand-sewing patience. Please tell me if you have any ideas, can help me, can loan me something, or if you are willing to go thrift-store shopping with me, like as soon as I can.
14. Oops. I need a long, almost waist-length blonde wig. I think I can buy one from Walmart. 
Yay! I can do this! Maybe!

The lace dress appears to be from an entirely different scene than the crown and cloak, so maybe I can find a marbled white fabric. If not lace-overgown-idea is still ok.

*New Update*
I was trolling the internet, and I found I good idea for the brooch. Get a big seashell and put silver paper around the edges.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Artsie stuff courtesy of Terrier

Quick little thing of Clara Goodwin, entitled "Fetch". Her uniform is supposed to be black, but I can't bring myself to color it in. What do you think? I'm thinking photocopy.

Lord of the Rings and other interesting things

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

On a scale from owl crap to chocolate....

(We'll get to the owl crap soon enough.)
At any rate, today I'm coming home from tennis practice and I want to know how much my stuff weighs. You see, I'm carrying my tennis clothes, tennis uniform, racket, shoes, Algebra 2 textbook, which is not what I usually bring home. I usually just bring my satchel and computer and water.
So, here's the final total:
Satchel (including clothes): 6 lbs 
Tennis racket, uniform,  and water: 9 lbs
Computer: 9 lbs
Algebra 2 text: 6.5 lbs (!!! A textbook!)
For a grand total of: 30.5 lbs. 
Seriously, why should we be carting that much stuff to and from school? I don't carry that much for a overnight backpacking trip. It's not like I even have as much stuff as some people. Bethany, for example, is unfortunately in 7th grade, where they just got new textbooks. She has three to bring home. Why? Why do we even need to bring in our computers? We didn't even use them, yesterday or today.

At any rate, my friend Maria and I are playing tennis. She tells me "Last night there was an owl on our house and it crapped all over. I think it's on the driveway too." We miss our next point. She says "You know if we win, I'm going to reward myself with the chocolate I have in my backpack. It is the best kind ever." We win the point. A little while later I hit a ball and say "On a scale from owl crap to chocolate where was that?" Good day. :)

I also discovered this really cool photo editor on my computer called Gimp. It's really amazing. I use this online one called Blibs editing, that I love. I can make my own desktops now, so if you have something you want me to try email here. It might happen faster if you comment and say "hey check yo' email" so....yeah. Here's my first.

Monday, August 23, 2010

'It was evening all afternoon' and morning too, at this rate.

So, today is officially the start of school. I actually don't have anything packed and it starts in a few hours. I hope something is fun. I think French will be the best.

Here are some top things of the summer, enjoy!

Rolfcoptour was a good concert.
Carla doing back handsprings.

Natalie Merchant concert in Denver
Somewhere over the US....
This is an airplane.
Me and Chris singing Teletubbies

Incredible Vegetables
Joyce and Neil
This is a kinda sad photo we took in the dollar store. We tried to get the big-mouth doll, but ended up with this rather sad photo instead.
You see what I mean?
Nerdfighterlike Song Night
Well, that was summer. I'm sad to see it go, but school will be okay today too. At least it doesn't start 'til noon today!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


I don't think our theater is going to show Vampires Suck, but I hope to see it at some point. At any rate, these are some actors/actresses I like. Kudos to you if you know all of them. Not all of them are from motion-pictures, some of them are voices.
She is my favorite voice-actress, like, ever.
This is hard, but who does the nose remind you of?

She actually just plays herself. I can't believe she was fired.

This is really hard, but if you think about it, it's elementary.
This isn't very hard. I actually had a PE teacher with this lady's name once.
You must be really backwater if you don't know this one.
Here are some photos of their characters, not necessarily from their most popular movie. ;)
For the Shire!
(*update* I just realized this picture has "221 B" in the background *cough*)
Far right.
Not the guy in dreads.
I loved this show so much. She was my hero.

The boy, not his rat.

Friday, August 20, 2010

From Tennis, Tennis, Tennis, Tennis, The Tennis Team

So, today, at tennis tryouts, we were all sitting at the lip-gloss table and trying to order pizza. Stephen calls Domino's. "Do you have the 5-5-5 deal? Coupon number? Uh, hold on." We're cracking up so hard. "Six....four, x....5....4. Not valid? Do you have coupons at your store? No? Ok." So we call Pizza Hut. "Conrad?! Hey, do you have the anything-anysize for $10 deal? No? Ok." We talked about going to Pizza on the Run, but it was too expensive so we call Pizza Hut again. "Hee-y, Conrad. It's Stephen. From tennis. Tennis. Tennis. Tennis. Tennis. From the tennis team. I played you yesterday." Funniest thing I've heard in ages.

Some New York Photos
Strange cookie-ad from Paradise Bakery

Out the airplane window. I love this one.
John and his badminton racket. Day 1.

Amazing farmers' market stuff
Me and Emily
At 18-Mile Creek

Thursday, August 12, 2010


So, Claire, can you guess who the visitor from Hamburg, NY to your blog was?

I think I will change the name one more time. Here are some ideas, tell me which you like and if none of then are good suggest your own.





Now I'm not sure if I like any of these. Augh, I can't believe summers almost over, now I have all thes things I have to do. :/

Everything I wrote in New York....strangeness


I Believe In Nar-Faries, I Do, I Do

So here I am in my dad's subaru on my way to Denver. Apparently, it saves $300 per person to fly out of Denver, not Cody. Anyways, Dad wants to see this Natalie Merchant concert. This will be my first non- rolfcoptour concert....

Argh, we're only in Shoshoni. Hey Claire, I was thinking I could video the plane take off. Have you flown? I can't remember if you said.

Even Later, like 2 hours.
We just passed Moneta. Let's play guess the song so I don't lose my sanity to boredom.
Sunrise, Sunset. Sunrise, Sunset/ Swiftly flow the days/ Seedlings turn overnight to sunflo'ers/ Blossoming even as we gaze/ Sunrise, Sunset. Sunrise, Sunset/ Swiftly fly the years/ One season following another/ Laden with happiness and tears
My care is like my shadow/ I bear beneath the sun/ It follows me at all times/ And flies when I pursue it/

Ok, I give up. We just past Hiland. Casper: 54 miles!

ahhggg, some more unmentionable towns later....

Casper Mountain!


Rumble Strips, Lightning, and Sagebrush, Oh My!

So now we're leaving Casper for Denver. Did you know that the rumble strips on interstates get higher in pitch the faster you go?

Song I'm Listening to: Legacy of Comfort
Random Road Sign: End Road Work Killroy Llcs

Song I'm Listening To: Equestrienne
Random Road Sign: Welcome to Colorful Colorado!.

Much Later
Where is Annabel Bonner when I need her? We're lost.

It was Evening All Afternoon
Have you ever been anywhere that just seems pure and untouched? Emily and I were up at Chestnut Ridge and there was a old playground back in the trees. It was haunting, in a way, because it was so

Friday, August 6, 2010

New York, New York

So, I finally have internet, and I'm just posting real fast now. We are going swimming at Lake Erie today. Me, Neil, Joyce, Johnnie, and Kara. Emily will be here tonight. Today is chicken wing night for dinner. It'll be good' since this is the home of the buffalo wing. :) Phohts to come later.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Denver! At Last!

So here I am in Denver. Tonight we are going to a Natalie Merchant concert. I've never been to a professional concert. Hope it's fun. When I can I'll post more, and if our plane has Wi-Fi, you'll get a message from 23,000 ft. Have fun without me, Claire. I love you because you are so good, can't wait to my cousins.
P.S. Collision by PBS and Hotel Rwanda are good movies.
Our hotel, Cambria Suites. Uber nice :)

Welcome to Colorful Colarado!!

My friend Chris/Harry/Harriet